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     1. The synthesis of new biomaterials based on metallic nanoparticles and biologically active natural compounds isolated from some Romanian 
        native plants from Adoxaceae and Cornaceae family.
     2. The preparation of new organic-anorganic hybrid biomaterials obtained from synthetic derivatives of anthocyanins isolated from fruits 
        of above mentioned plants.
     3. The characterization of isolated bioactive natural compounds and synthetized biomaterials by HPLC, UV-Vis, fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopy,
        transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
     4. The evaluation of the biological activity (citotoxicity and antiinflammatory effect) of the new materials.
     5. The elaboration of some new dermatological products based on the hybrid bionanomaterials.


     Stage I     15/12/2012

   New biomaterialsbased on metalic nanoparticles functionalized with natural compounds obtained from fruits of some plants from Adoxaceae family.
     Stage II    10/12/2013
   Dermatologic products based on new biomaterials obtained from natural compounds from fruits of some plants from Cornaceae family and metal nanoparticles.
     Stage III   10/12/2014
   Dermatologic products based on new biomaterials obtained from natural compounds from fruits of some plants from Cornaceae family and metal nanoparticles.
   Dermatologic products based on new biomaterials obtaine from metalic nanoparticles functionalized with semisinthetized compounds derived from anthocyanines
     Stage IV   01/07/2015
   Optimization of the results